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  • Open Letter to Fintech Founders Everywhere

    Posted by Christian on October 16, 2023 at 2:17 pm

    Dear Visionaries,

    The ever-evolving landscape of financial technology presents many opportunities for innovation and growth. The allure of creating something disruptive that shapes how people interact with money is undeniable. But with this great opportunity comes an immense responsibility that I urge you to regard with the utmost seriousness: the sacred trust of your customers’ deposits.

    As the waves of operational costs crash against the shores of your startup’s balance sheets, it’s a temptation to look at the vast ocean of customer deposits as a temporary lifeline. However, this is not only a precarious financial misstep but also an ethical one. Customers entrust their hard-earned funds to fintech platforms with the hope of improved financial experiences and the assurance of their funds’ safety. They do not deposit their savings, dreams, and futures to subsidize operations or underwrite risks.

    Your customers’ deposits are not a venture capital fund. They are not a revolving credit line. They are the tangible manifestation of trust in your brand and vision. Treating them otherwise is not only a breach of this trust but also puts at risk the very foundation upon which the edifice of your business stands.

    Consider for a moment the legacy you wish to leave behind: Do you want to be remembered as a founder who championed the highest standards of financial integrity? Or as one who succumbed to the temptations of easy access and risked it all?

    The fintech world is rife with potential, but those who act with integrity, even when faced with the toughest of challenges, leave a lasting impact. Your customers are your most significant stakeholders. By respecting their trust and safeguarding their funds, you ensure not just their financial well-being but your enterprise’s enduring reputation and success.

    Overall, in the world of fintech, trust is the hardest currency to earn and the easiest to lose. Guard it zealously.

    With hope for a responsible and prosperous future,


    Christian replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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